Courageous conversations Live 2024: join in our panel discussions on gender diversity

Courageous Conversations Live is an online panel discussion series, hosted on 

Each of our quarterly events shines a spotlight on a topical debate in the gender diversity space, often in connection with an awareness event, such as International Women’s Day or National Inclusion Week.

Our 2023 programme explored themes such as the challenges facing working parents, the business case for neurodiversity in teams, and how workplaces can enable all women to experience a positive menopause in the workplace.

We are excited to present our 2024 programme. Each session lasts 60 minutes, and is free to attend those participants must register in advance. Attendees who are everywomanNetwork members can receive 60 CPD points for each session they attend.

Is there an ambition gender gap?

6 Mar 2024; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm BST


There is a persistent narrative that women are less likely to seek promotion, take risks or negotiate higher salaries, but are they really less ambitious than men? Evidence suggests not, and that both genders demonstrate similar levels of ambition in their early careers, and that a host of external factors combine to erode female ambition over time. Furthermore, studies suggest that women who display ambition are perceived negatively in the workplace. 

Join us during the week of International Women’s Day as we delve into the meaning of female ambition in 2024. We will examine how we can challenge outdated notions surrounding ‘Career Women’ and debunk the myth of ‘having it all’. Our focus will shift towards defining our own individual visions of success and celebrating our accomplishments, as well as all that we can achieve in the future.

The hidden challenges faced by LGBTQ+ women

12 Jun 2024; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm BST


 There is still a long way to go for LGBTQ+ women to arrive at true equality. Many still grapple with discrimination, bullying, harassment, and even violence in the workplace. An increasing body of research reveals disturbing trends, such as CVs that bear LGBTQ+ indicators receiving lower response rates. Additionally, LGBTQ+ women are more susceptible to microaggressions and sexual harassment than their heterosexual counterparts, and they face unique challenges related to coming out.

During Pride month, we’re shining a spotlight on women from this community. This live conversation aims to shed light on their experiences, challenges, and triumphs, as we work together to foster inclusivity, diversity, and true equality in all facets of life.

The invisible years: motherhood and menopause

3 Oct 2024​; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm BST​ 


 In the quest to advance their careers, women are often encouraged to increase their visibility in the workplace. However, emerging research suggests that certain life stages and events can present formidable challenges to women’s professional visibility, notably during early motherhood and the peri/menopause phase. For instance, one report highlights that a significant number of women aged 50 and above feel overlooked and invisible to employers due to their age, with many reporting instances of overt discrimination. In another study, a quarter of mothers who returned to work after childbirth expressed feeling undervalued compared to their pre-motherhood roles. 

As we approach World Menopause Day, we invite you to join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the topic of workplace invisibility. We will explore how we can and must cultivate inclusive workplace cultures that empower all women to thrive, regardless of the life stages they navigate. 

Is positive masculinity the key to gender equality?

26th Nov 2024​; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm GMT​ 


In recent years, allyship has emerged as a pivotal force in our collective journey towards a more diverse and inclusive society. The role of male allies, in particular, has come to the forefront as a crucial catalyst for women’s professional advancement. At the heart of this progress lies the concept of ‘positive’ or ‘healthy masculinity,’ which redefines traditional gender norms. It encourages men to express their emotions, establish meaningful relationships with women, including mentors and bosses, and advocate for gender equality without feeling constrained by outdated notions of masculinity. 

During the month of International Men’s Day, we invite you to join us for a stimulating dialogue about the importance of nurturing healthier masculinity. Our aim is to empower every man to become a valuable ally, liberated from the confines of harmful masculine stereotypes that hinder societal progress.  


Hosts and panellists of our Courageous Conversations Live series are leaders, experts and thought leaders employed by everywoman’s corporate members. To learn more about opportunities to work with everywoman, explore who we currently work with, or to request a call back, visit the corporate membership hub. 

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