Resilience Learning Topics


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Moving forward from feeling ‘stuck’
Are you in a place right now where you’re feeling stuck in your professional life? Perhaps you’re standing at a crossroads, unsure which way to turn, or perhaps you’ve wandered down a career cul-de-sac and can’t see a way out to a more fulfilling professional life?
Quiz: Where are you on the growth-fixed mindset scale?

Change makers, innovators and consistent high achievers all possess a certain quality that springboards them to success. It’s called a growth mindset: an unshakeable belief in their own abilities and potential to learn – and the good news is we can all have one.  

Intuition: 7 ways to sharpen yours for greater success
Steve Jobs declared intuition ‘more powerful than intellect’. Einstein called the intuitive mind ‘a sacred gift’. And business leaders throughout the world leverage it in their decision-making every day. That ‘inner voice’ or…