Tea Colaianni on opportunities, coaches and feedback

Be inquisitive and ask for feedback advises Tea Colaianni, Group HR Director of Merlin Entertainment, who shares career tips for aspiring managers in everywomanClub Voices of Experience. Tea’s an advocate of volunteering and working outside of your remit because she’s seen the benefits it’s had on her career and others around her: “When people explore different departments, functions or countries it opens up a world of opportunities and opens up minds,” she says. If Tea was to pass on one piece of knowledge, what would it be? Her greatest piece of advice she’s received is: “feedback is a gift, if someone takes the time to tell you something it’s because they care and they want you to get better.” Viewing feedback in this way will negate bad feelings and turn it into optimism. Watch our video interview with Tea Colaianni to learn more about making the most out of the early years at work. Want to know more about delivering constructive feedback and developing your career? Watch our video interview with Managing Director, Alina Addison.

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