When left unchecked, workplace stress can lead to a number of negative health outcomes, not only for the individual, but also for the business. Identifying practical measures that can mitigate this stress for employees, as well as focusing on new ways to boost productivity in the workplace is undoubtedly the only natural solution. Particularly in the world of Tech where increasing screen times, demand for agile thinking, and fewer opportunities present for building in-person relationships, have all been linked to increased levels of stress amongst employees.
According to a Spacelift survey (2022), Data Science and Machine Learning is the most stressed-out area of IT following by DevOps in second place with ‘heavy workload’ being identified as the top stressor at work. Tune in and listen to this holistic panel discussion where we explore how our partners at Bupa and FIS are identifying signs of employee stress and fostering strategies that encourage personal wellbeing practices, building a supportive workplace culture, and implementing employee recognition programmes.
- Julie Stephens, Global Director of Wellbeing, Inclusion, Health & Safety @Bupa
- Melissa Anderson, Head of Wellbeing @FIS