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Insurance Professionals
Welcome to the everywoman in Insurance Forum
The everywoman in Insurance Forum is a leadership development forum like no other.
It brings together over 200 women from all levels who will be able to gain access to role models, ask questions, debate, discuss and build their network. All this to increase the number of female leaders in the industry with the support of male allies also in the audience.
Senior Leadership Breakfast
Prior to the main forum, we will be hosting a thought leadership breakfast exclusively for senior leaders from the UK insurance industry to meet and network. Attendance at the thought leadership breakfast is by invite only.
Delegate Passes
Check the event agenda so you can plan your diary and pick your must attend sessions.
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Meet the Speakers
Meet the Speakers
We are proud to bring together a roster of experts leading the insurance industry, to inspire, engage and inform.
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Partner with us
Partner with us
Inspire and engage your star talent, and position yourself as an employer of choice.
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What will the Forum provide?
The event gives attendees access to the practical tools needed to help advance their career including:
- Access to insurance role models
- Leadership development
- Industry Knowledge
- Inter-company connections
- CPD points
2024 Speakers Included
Hasani Jess
Group CTO, Aventum Group
Ronke Lawal
everywoman Associate
Marie Penberthy =
UK CFO, Arch Insurance
Roddy Barnes
Director, Group Head of Technology Strategy & Transformation, Bupa
2024 Partners & Sponsors
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I can honestly say that this everywoman event was one of the most educational and inspiring days I have been part of. I am new to leadership and this event really showed me how I can be better. I can't wait to start implementing all my ideas.
Past Delegateeverywoman in Insurance Forum
I loved the positive tone about the event, focusing on tangible actions for change rather than complaining about lack of diversity or inclusion, like some events. Putting the onus on individuals to make change -owning it and moving it forward should be everyone’s agenda. The quality of the speakers was excellent.
Past Delegateeverywoman in Insurance Forum
Thank you so much for putting on the conference. It covered such important topics, and it is great to have a safe and inspiring environment in which to find motivation and support.
Past Delegateeverywoman in Insurance Forum
Amazing event discussing how the world of insurance and the women in it are changing. Huge thanks to all those who shared their knowledge, experience, expertise and tips.
Past Delegateeverwoman in Insurance Forum