Lizzie Brown

Vice President Technology Workforce & Talent Excellence, American Express

Lizzie leads the Technology Workforce & Talent Excellence team at American Express, a global centre of excellence committed to making Amex the best, most inclusive and diverse place to work in technology. Lizzie joined the company in 2006 on the UK graduate program and has held a number of increasingly responsible technical and leadership roles, all with a technology focus.

She has supported a wide swath of Amex businesses, including in the commercial, corporate and consumer spaces. Being on both sides of the confidante relationship has been hugely important to Lizzie, and she is passionate about mentoring women, sharing her career journey as a working mother, and actively supporting others that wish to grow their careers as technologists.

Above all, Lizzie is determined that Amex attracts, hires and grows and retains talent in a way that unlocks the excellence in each person so that they are seen, appreciated and recognized in a way that they belong.