Career agility quiz: Which animal are you?


Disruption is the new norm — and we’re not just talking about a global pandemic. To survive in the digital revolution, we must be versatile, open-minded and ready to embrace change, just like our friends in the animal kingdom must adapt to their changing environment. Take our quiz to discover which animal’s agility you’re most akin to, and how you can use that knowledge to best effect on the road ahead.

Career agility quiz: Which animal are you?

Career agility quiz: Which animal are you?

Disruption is the new norm — and we’re not just talking about a global pandemic. To stay relevant in the digital revolution, we must be versatile, open-minded and ready to embrace change. Just like our friends in the animal kingdom, we must adapt to our changing environment in order to survive and thrive.

With automation on the rise, now really is the time to be thinking about your future career. But that needn’t mean retraining as a software engineer, or starting over in a new industry — the biggest predictor of whether you’re ready for what lies ahead is your mindset.

How willing are you to embrace change, sharpen your skills and expand your network? Take our quiz to discover which animal’s agility you’re most akin to, and how you can use that knowledge to best effect on the road ahead.


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