Spend less time on your slides and more time practicing your words – Managing Director Dragana Ljubisavljevic shares her advice on the art of public…
Accomplished financial services chief executive Sarah Deaves is often parachuted into turnaround and recovery situations – many of which mean having tough conversations. Sarah left…
everywomanClub member and Modern Muse Pippa Isbell is Chief Executive of PRCo Ltd, the integrated Public Relations and Digital consultancy, with offices in London, Paris,…
everywomanClub member and Modern Muse Pippa Isbell is Chief Executive of PRCo Ltd, the integrated Public Relations and Digital consultancy, with offices in London, Paris,…
As Transformation Director at Santander UK, and the inaugural Chair of its Women in Business network, Angela Wakelin is frequently called upon to give presentations.…
everywomanClub member and Modern Muse Pippa Isbell is Chief Executive of PRCo Ltd, the integrated Public Relations and Digital consultancy, with offices in London, Paris,…